
i will consume you.



07-31-2013, 04:07 PM

A growl rumbled within her chest as she stared at her new toy. The woman lay within the open bit of the vessel with a bit of a yawn. Her jaws snapped shut to end the lazy gesture. Her eyes were droopy, she was a bit fat dumb and happy after she ate. Though, to replace happy it was more like .. satisfied. The lump of bone and flesh made the woman quite statisfied indeed. Her fur was soaked in the crimson liquid. Tufts of fur and flesh lined her back. It was a good bath. To get all the rather, horrid smells of last weeks meal off of her. She loved the feeling of gore upon her body. It was quite pleasurable for the demon.

Her eyes flicked about as a scent filled her frozen black nose. A male. She grinned and rolled her marred shoulders. Yellow orbs flicked around in search of the source before she saw a man standing outside the vessel. He looked craze, drool spilled from his jaws. A rush of heat filled the woman as she closed her eyes. His voice filled her ears and she snapped her jaws. Saliva filled her mouth, she would die to inhale his scent. A ravaged tongue lapped at her blood muzzle as she got up. Empty eyes flashed open to greet this man. She growled in delight as she approached him. She eyed him without shame, her eyes full of hunger.

"Why hello to you too." Her voice was a gentle purr lined with death itself. She carried herself like a true vixen. Her rear swivvled back and forth with each step. The woman brought herself to circle the man before her. She inhaled his scent once more and nearly groaned. She licked her fangs again before her sweet song was let forth again. "What can little ol' me do for you?" Her eyes rested on his as she stood in front of him once again