
Numbered Days



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-30-2016, 09:38 PM
Epiphron's hopes for her children had been much different, once. She'd envisioned nothing but royalty for them - kingdoms ruled by the Adravendi blood, strong and powerful empires that were known all across the land. Such wishes were history now, though. So much had changed since then. Now, all she hoped for was the health and happiness of her children, whatever that might entail. It'd taken her some time, for example, to get used to Amalia being with Athena. An Armada, and a woman. Even though it wasn't the life she'd pictured for her, she wanted now whatever made her daughter happy. She hoped she truly was happy, and she thought of this as Amalia spoke to her, a touch of relief audible in her voice.

What had she done to deal with her wanderer children? A soft smiled settled on her lips at the thought.  "I couldn't have gotten through it without your father," Epiphron admitted wistfully. They had never expected to be parents, not so early in their lives at least, but their roles as mother and father had consumed them. "Without you all, though, I hate to admit.. but I felt a bit empty,"  she explained carefully, offering a shrug. She didn't want to make Amalia feel guilty for leaving so long ago, but it was true.  "I'd originally thought I'd always want to rule a pack, but having you all made me realized I enjoyed being a mother more. I couldn't go on ruling once all your youngest siblings started to leave. I was a wreck." That had been the end of her rule, and the beginning of the end of her relationship with Amalia's father too. She'd once been worried that motherhood would've been a burden to her, but life had been infinitely more difficult when she'd had no children to care for. She could certainly emphasize with what Amalia was feeling, even if her situation was a bit different.

Talk of Athena made her smile wider - she wouldn't have dreamed of such a thing, years ago. An Armada, of all wolves, being part of her own family. It was still a sore spot, though seeing her no longer made her feel a pang of resentment, or a rush of pain. She was as much part of her family as anyone else had been, even though she wasn't particularly close to Amalia's mate. She was thrilled to know her daughter had found someone that made her happy, and hoped that their love would last for many years to come.  "Do I get lonely?" she'd echo back thoughtfully, musing over the question aloud.  "I do, sometimes." Many of her thoughts she'd never been able to admit aloud. For a long time, she'd found herself feeling hateful toward Maverick - what would life have been without him? Had she been foolish to invest so many years of her life in him, and in their family? She never regretted their children, not once, but what if things had been different? A thoughtful look crossed her features as she looked away, pondering.  "Knowing some of my children are here, and that I have grandchildren now.." A brighter look came to her, a smile returning with ease.  "That certainty helps." She'd even reunited with her cousin, Leon, after so many years.

Hearing that Amalia was still so invested in her herbs and keeping things stocked made her smile brighten. At least, as she said, there were other healers now to help.  "Just don't overwork yourself," she'd say pointedly, shaking her head.  "Make time for yourself, and for you and Athena, whenever you can."