



7 Years
Extra large
11-30-2016, 10:00 PM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2016, 10:01 PM by Brutus.)


Everything was white, reflecting in his pale blue eyes enough to make them look like shimmering stones of silver for as long as they remained wide and inspecting. He apparently hadn't been the first to arrive, and suddenly the debris blocking his way through the cove made a bit of sense. The avalanche had blanketed this land, too.. and he could only imagine how many feet of it he stood upon at this very moment. It was unlike anything the man had experienced in his years, but he knew of avalanches and remembered his mother warning him of them; it's where he learned to watch the mountains back at home. For a few moments longer, he dipped his muzzle down in slight shame. He should have been watching, they could have prepared.

It was in this moment of silence that a gentle sound touched his ears; it seemed to echo and flutter, tickling the tips of each ear and sending them searching in different directions for the source. He had begun to realize that it was coming from beneath him, in the snow. It was one of the worst possibilities but one he sort of expected when looking for survivors that might have been out in the storm. The tall and slender wolf started to move his limbs, turning clockwise in a circle until he understood where it was coming from. When he heard the other woman call to him, he gave a nod.. thinking that if she could hear it too, then the source must be in the direction of this rogue.

Toes were precisely driven across the snow, minding every step as he remained alert and quick to react if the foundation beneath him suddenly started to shift. Every muscle in his form seemed to tense as his adrenaline rushed, "Yes, indeed I do. Someone is down there," he stated calmly. He couldn't quite recognize who it was but the possibility of someone from Vyper getting stuck out here did cross his mind. Ever eloquent and polite with his speech, he lifted his skull momentarily in her direction, "I would be ever so thankful if you were to help me dig them out, hmm? Careful across the snow." Without her answer, his attention shifted to the route ahead of him.

He would move along areas where trees had fallen and settled along the surface of the snow left behind in the avalanche, knowing that his weight could be sustained if theirs were. He'd just hopped on to the core of a fifteen foot pine, left mostly bald but solid and of perfect use to travel across the still see of white that lay between him and Selene, when he heard another bark. The flyaway fur of his ears would be at the mercy of the wind while he kept his crown standing tall, listening for any change in volume from the voice beneath the snow. About halfway across, he stopped and hopped down, starting to roam and leave a trail from the safety of the tree as he left his prints behind in a long stride. He was still nervous, and hearing her voice only made it worse.. she sounded panicked and he wasn't exactly sure how much longer she could survive down there or really how long she'd been there already.

It wasn't long before he felt like he was right over the woman (he was sure it was a woman, now) trapped in snow; the beast took in a deep breath, his chest expanding before he suddenly bellowed out a rumbling growl. It might have sounded menacing, but the bass his growl created, as low as it was, he was sure would travel down to her.. hopefully enough to get her attention to listen carefully afterward. "Hello? We are coming to get you, We are starting to dig.. just remain calm, curl up and remain protected. If it caves in while we are digging, we'll be right there to get you out!" He looked back for Selene, light blue eyes searching her own as he signaled with the point of his muzzle just below him.

The brute's chest fell closer to the earth, his forelimbs outstretched ahead of him as he immediately started to rake his black claws against the snow and pull it back. It was so cold and it wasn't very far in before half of his body was saturated and frosting. He could hear the weight of the snow around them shifting with what they were doing, though he tried his best to pack to the sides of their tunnel to provide some resistance. He did his best to mind to the left of the tunnel and leave the right for Selene, constantly checking how fast she was going to do his best to slow down or keep up and keep the tunnel consistent.

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