
Spree with me!



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
11-30-2016, 10:50 PM
So I need lots of gems for lots of stuff. Mostly for the influx of characters that I have been planning on bringing in, as well as for the new ones (ie elias x odette pup, Shikany pup, etc.) AND also for some other stuff like designs and whatnot lol.

Anywho, I'm gonna list my chars with a very brief intro (cuz i am not gonna do a full plot thread on the phone xD) and ya'll can pick who you wanna thread with. Not really gonna talk about their personalities much cuz that stuff is on their profile :p looking more for sprees at the moment, or threads that can move quickly. Also if you want points for something or other let me know c: I'm gonna have their skills listed under their intro thingy.

I am determined to find more motivation to post, and I think this will help me post more so my chars aren't sitting around AND so I stop procrastinating lol.
So without further ado, here's a quick rundown of available chars!

Ashelia Adravendi
》Ashe is one of the few "true" Adravendi's left, also a loner who just found out that her dad (Leon) had been around for the last year or so. Unfortunately, he just died (thread in progress). I do need to update her personality but it's a pain on the phone so I'm gonna do that when I go back to my grandma's next week. She doesn't have much going on, so any kind of thread is welcome!
points: Healing x Navigation
Location: Can be anywhere

》Atlas literally has nothing going for him xD so anything is game with this guy. He cost me $50 so I'd like for him to be way more active k thanks.
points: Fighting x intellect
Location: Can be anywhere

Avalon Ancora
》Ya'll know about her already lol. She just stepped down as alpha, passing the pack to her son Dragon. She's had quite the bad luck with relationships, so she's kinda given up and just letting fate run its course. She's pretty friendly, kind, gentle...but she's no pushover and won't let anyone walk all over her either. She loves meeting others and making friends too. And spending time with her lovely babies!
points: Fighting x intellect
Location: Auster

》Dart is Abaven's fox! He's super chill and friendly, and unfortunately getting old v.v he's had no luck finding love, though he has crushed on a certain someone. Of course, its something he hasn't pursued due to the species barrier poor guy. He also loves kids, and spends most of his time fishing. Up for anything!
points: Hunting x Navigation
Location: East

Dragon Ancora
》The new alpha of Talis (formerly Ivalice), Dragon is a pretty easygoing young man though sometimes he can be a bit suspicious of others. Even so, that part is hardly shown because unfortunately he's also kind of naive. He is smart though, so he's not very easily tricked xP he loves to meet new people and learn new things. He's yet to find love or a crush sooo..yeah. Also pretty family oriented.
Points: Fighting x intellect

Enigma Hellstrom
》Literally has nothing going on. Dad died, siblings poofed, guy can't procreate anymore lol. He's been searching for Cypress to get revenge but is kinda also looking to get revenge on Arian's offspring as well *cough* up for anything.
points: Fighting x intellect
Location: anywhere

Greed Armada
》He's a jerk plain and simple lol. Greed doesn't much care for family or anyone really, unless of course he has a reason to otherwise. He does admire those that prove themselves strong, meaning wolves who can actually back up their words. He doesn't care much for those who talk a big game but don't have the skill to back it up. He doesn't really respect anyone either, unless he thinks you're cool enough xP
Points: fighting x intellect
location: Auster

Holly Adravendi
》Holly doesn't have anything going on I: she just got knocked up by Thanatos, choosing to help him and Shiki start a family and be their surrogate. She's just kinda wandering around with her companion Rhavaniel. Loathes and hates her family. No longer really as friendly as she was due to her family pretty much abandoning her.
points: fighting x Navigation
Location: anywhere

Kakashi Arrow
》Now that Hansel is dead(in process of dying), Kakashi has now replaced him as Abaven's oldest fart. He has nothing going on, so up for anything.
points: fighter x Navigation
location: East

[Adding more chars, just wanted to at least post what i have rofl. I'm done when it hits Zell xD]
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.