



6 Years
Extra large

11-30-2016, 11:03 PM

Elias had even kept his ears down with relative respect as he watched her, hoping she'd relax some so that he could as well. She seemed to be growing more confident, though it didn't have the relaxing effect that Elias was hoping for. As she took a couple steps toward him, he tensed up.. his upper lip immediately raising to flash the thick of his teeth to her in warning. His hackles prickled up between his shoulder blades though remained down elsewhere. No, no. He didn't want that.

As she spoke, he lifted his ears and lowered his lip, putting away his intimidating mask to put on another of sheer curiosity. He listened with relaxed features, his head even canting slightly in response as he looked over her form, double checking her height just to be sure. "Not too short to defend yourself. I've seen a lot of fight in twerps half your size." He grinned, "Though, you probably shouldn't be alone unless you have the training to compensate for your weakness." He growled, his grin still present though ever so deceiving. The fiend took a couple steps toward her, as if challenging her for the steps she'd taken earlier that he didn't want. She needed to step back just a bit, or he wasn't going to be happy.

His marred chest flexed slightly as he lifted his head, tensing the muscles of his abdomen and front legs in order to appear taller. At this point, it really wasn't even because he needed to make himself look taller- he knew she was already having some sort of inferiority complex over it.. and the only reason he did so now was to play with that insecurity of hers. Oh, why was this so fun? Well, it wasn't all just cruel intentions, was it? After all, perhaps he could teach her to defend herself.. of course, it might be against her will on how she leans, but.. well, Elias needed the entertainment, and she could learn from the lesson.

With his mind now made up, his eyes seemed to roll just for a second- leaving him vulnerable but there was an obvious change to the wolf's demeanor. He was no longer trembling and uncertain when those eyes opened, he was grinning ear to ear with enthusiastic happiness and overbearing confidence. Mmmm, the ego boost felt good and his darker side was thrilled to be free once again. He'd tried to take over so many times before, but Elias couldn't be won over unless there was some sort of.. justification he could come up with to rationalize the need for cruel behavior. He didn't like it, but.. sometimes.. he just knew it had to be done.

In total glee, the inhabiting demon using Elias' body like some sort of vessel opened it's grin, his jaws hanging agape and drooling as he approached the poor girl. His ears perked and his tail thrashed behind him with wild excitement as he kept his steps slow and steady, as if he expected her to bolt at any moment. Calmly, his ruby gaze met her own and dark chuckle released low from the depths of his lungs. "You know, you really should be more careful," spoken in jest. In a split second, his legs tensed as he pushed into the sand as he lunged forward; volatile jaws would swing shut, locking as soon as they came together at the air in front of the woman's face. He made sure to stay away from her about half of a foot, but he aimed to come dangerously close. Was she easily scared? He was eager to find out.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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