
Gotta stop holding me the way you do

Mercy I


5 Years

12-01-2016, 02:44 AM

Mercy wasn't expecting him to get right into it. Her purple eyes grew wide as he shoved his face against her, pushing into her coat and scoring her skin. She hissed as blood flowed from the wound, her nails biting into the ground. There was something different about him though, he wasn't being as... attentive to her as he usually was. For a moment her ears hung low against her head, but his nips and bites threw everything else away. She was elated that he dove in head first, although a tad bit confused when he stood over her so fast. No! This wasn't want she wanted, two bites wasn't enough to sate her need for blood. She hadn't even been able to bite him before hi forelegs were around her hips. Letting out a warning growl, she told him that she wasn't pleased. But who was she to deny this attention that she so clearly needed? Her stiff muscles relaxed slightly as he bit into her scruff, actually making her yelp from his overly rough treatment of her. Mercy was always down for the rough and tumble, but that was her, not him. This wasn't Gethin at all. He was purely driven by the scent of her, and at the moment she didn't care to pull away. She would be lying if she said she didn't want this, regardless of his intentions. Giving herself over to the thrills shooting through her body, she didn't put up a fight as they both climbed into ecstasy.


It was over before it had even began, and he was climbing off of her. Flipping her head around to him, purple eyes narrowed, she quickly realized that he wasn't even meeting her eyes. Her legs quivered, but it wasn't from the activity that had just taken place. It was him. It was happening all over again, wasn't it? Steeling herself, closing her heart inside a steel trap she spun around to face him, folding herself to her rump and curling her tail neatly around her side. As she gazed at him she looked indifferent almost, the relief and adoration she had felt just moments ago sloughing off of her like water off a ducks back. Inside she was panicking, he heart beating painfully against her ribs. The pale woman's emotions nearly got the best of her, a slight hitch in her breath as she drew in a lungful of air. Holding it in, she just waited. She didn't dare to say anything, fear making her muscles tense and her body stiff. Her black claws bit into the earth all over again, fighting against her better judgement to open her big fat mouth. Something was going on and she knew it, but why fuck her and then get all his issues out? Her inky lips twitched in a threat of a growl, but she managed to swallow it back. She was actually giving him the floor, although she was certain that her panic wouldn't make her say anything. Her tongue was already tied but he hadn't said a thing.

But that was the problem, wasn't it?


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.