
Once Again


12-01-2016, 06:44 PM

It had been some time since the woman had come across her family of Diamáchis. Ever since Mithras vanished she had been more curious of the world in the north and eventually found herself on the other side. She was sure Mithras was off doing something important, whether he told her or not she knew it was for a good cause. And she knew that one day he would come and find her and they would reunite again.

Her sandy body came across the cold grounds here. She was used to summer coming to her lands around this time of year, but she realized it was different here not too long after she ventured. Learning about pack life and hearing some healthy things about the pack called Abaven, she found her way to the border, being extra careful not to pass this "line" and may have even been too far out. She didn't really believe in these things called borders, but it wasn't worth risking her life over. She then rang out a call for someone who could assist her, her voice as gentle and beautiful as ever.

Walk "Talk"