
hunger in your haunt



7 Years
Extra large
Athena I

12-01-2016, 07:09 PM

Tiburtius chuckled a little when Archelaus told him that the world wasn’t as interesting as here. He couldn’t imagine how that was possible, but he didn’t really have the experience to combat that statement. After all, he hadn’t really strayed very far from Fiori since they moved where when they were still young. He had gone out on small bouts of exploration of course. He wouldn’t have met Finch otherwise. He was sure that was nothing compared to what his brother had done in his time away. Wandering around the lands that bordered Fiori hardly counted as real exploration.

He hummed softly when his brother asked for an update on how Fiori had been since the challenge with Bacchus. He nodded when Archie mentioned how Leo was still standing strong as the alpha. He felt a similar fondness toward Leo and appreciation for what Leo had done for them so he certainly understood the sentiment. ”Well, the fallout from that challenge was a lot for Athena and Amalia to get over as I’m sure you can imagine. They handled it as well as they could I imagine, as they usually do.” He thought back to when they had been forced to find a new home when the pack in the north had been disbanded and how their mothers had just picked them all up and moved them to the east. They had always done whatever they had to in order to take care of their kids. Maybe that’s why he tried so hard to take care of them now. ”Jayne and Diana were just pups when that challenge happened, weren’t they? They’ve grown up a lot since then. Full blown young women now. It’s been so weird watching them grow… almost as weird as having half-sisters.”

He snickered a little and tried to think of anything else to fill his brother in on. ”Fiori has grown a lot too. I’ve had a hard time learning all of their names lately. Oh, Leo’s wife disappeared not long after that challenge too. We still don’t know what happened to her. His kids are grown now too though. They were born shortly after our sisters were. He couldn’t think of anything else to fill him in on. Things were pretty quiet around here for a while after all while Leo recovered and spent a lot of time looking for Svetlana. Things had really just started picking back up in the last few seasons.

He was a bit surprised when Archie thanked him for taking care of Athena and Amalia. He shifted self-consciously, but he smiled a little all the same. It was never something he expected or wanted praise for, but he still appreciated that Archelaus noticed. ”Don’t mention it, Archie. Honestly I just couldn’t imagine being anywhere else. I don’t have a wandering bone in my body.” He never really held it against his brothers - except for maybe Bacchus. He still hadn’t gotten over his first reunion with him and how he had behaved. Archie and Vitus weren’t like that though and they did eventually return home which he was grateful for. ”I’m glad you and Vitus are back, ugly mugs and all.” He grinned a little and chuckled, his tail wagging slowly behind him.

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