
What more can be said



6 Years
Extra large

12-01-2016, 08:31 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2016, 08:31 PM by Elias.)

He was just so.. pumped. After his fight with Mercy, he just could not get his heart to slow down or his adrenaline to stop soaring. He found himself running through the knolls, disturbing the order of the herds and scaring them half to death- at least, until the bulls got tired of him and started charging. He called it quits then, and continued exploring the South and flirting with the idea of returning to Auster.

Winter was beginning to become a threat, coating the grounds with fine layers of snow at night only so the sun could warm the ground up enough just to melt the snow and saturate the earth. He knew he couldn't run around careless in Boreas forever, but the girls in Boreas had certainly caught his attention and he was hesitant to leave just yet.

After all, he'd decided awhile ago that he was on a hunt, and he needed to find what he was hunting before the beast took control and finished the job for him. He spent his days sleeping and his nights searching, finding it easier to hide his mass under the cloak of night due to his darker blend of gray. With the coming of dusk, the fiend was freshly awake and on the prowl; his poise bent at the knees, his thick neck stretched out to let his square muzzle graze the ground as he moved. He did his best to avoid territory markers or any scents that resembled a masculine wolf, only getting distracted when the promise of a hardly rotted meal was in the air. He wasn't hunting prey, so scavenging would suffice until he'd found what he wanted.

He was moving with such energy, covering land as fast as he could before the winter made it impossible to pick up any scents beneath the ice. It seemed he struck a bit of luck finally when he came across the trail of Zuriel. The beast froze, his red eyes wide as his nostrils flared in their examination; he couldn't believe he'd finally found one, but he needed to change up his act if he had any shot at this. He took a moment to calm himself down, to stand himself up and look a little stronger, a little more.. put together- a little more sane.

He had such a strong hold on himself when he arrived to Boreas, what changed? Surely, it.. it must have been being without the pack. Without his family, only Eliana.. for awhile he thought it was all he needed, but she couldn't offer him what he was looking for. Eliana knew him, she cared for him and she would always be there. That was all he could ask for when it came to his need to be loved, really-- but, she was his sister. There were some things that Elias' dark little heart desired that she just couldn't give.

Elias had wanted to be good, he promised his sister that he would try. So he fixed his face, he dulled his thoughts and kept his senses attentive on the trail ahead of him as he waltzed in her echo. His muscles relaxed beneath the smoothness of his short fur, his ears fell forward effortlessly and his tail remained respectably placed just below his spine. He was almost ready when the scent of something strange appeared on the trail, stopping just for a moment to inspect the fallen apple. He wasn't far from her now.

When he finally set his eyes on her, he was pleased to find her dressed in color tones that resembled washed out black jeans, just like himself. He couldn't get a good look at her face, but the glint of color from her eyes that he did see hinted to him that they might have been blue. And that.. necklace, it was one similar to Faite's. He thought for a moment, standing silently beneath a pear tree. It's sweet scent intermixed with the delicate smell of a female, creating something that just.. absolutely drove his senses wild. Finally, he stepped forward. "Good evening," his voice was as gentle as he could accomplish, baritones hushed and meant only for the two of them.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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