
What more can be said



7 Years
Athena I

12-01-2016, 08:48 PM

The late evening was so quiet and peaceful. Zuriel's mind wandered as she padded through the trees, slipping past fruit tree after fruit tree. Her thoughts went back to her home with her family, the pack, her siblings. Of course she missed them. In all honesty, if Faite hadn't encouraged her to go and see the world she probably would have changed her mind and stayed. It had taken all of her will power just to leave the west. She still hadn't made it all that far, but the more distance she put between herself and Celestial the more sure she was that she could actually do this.

An unknown voice broke through her haze of thoughts and her head whipped toward the sound as she stopped in her tracks. Her necklace swung gently against her chest in the momentum while her two-toned gaze looked for the male the voice had come from. It took her a moment to spot him in the shadows, but his red gaze gave him away. His dark gray coat hid him well in his lighting. "Oh, good evening," she replied, offering him a small smile while she tried to calm her heart. He had certainly startled her a bit. She chuckled softly and turned to face him, adding, "Sorry, I must have really been lost in my thoughts. I didn't notice you there."

He was heavily scarred and of course her healer-minded self immediately started tracing the marks with her eyes curiously. A list of possible herbs she could have used to help bind wounds that deep ran through her head. She had a habit of doing that when she saw someone with an injury or a scar. "I'm Zuriel, by the way," she said when she realized she was getting distracted again. What had gotten into her tonight? She was usually much more on top of things than this.

"Talk" "You" Think