
t-t-totally dude


12-01-2016, 09:04 PM
The shepherd watched her carefully, his light blue eyes almost glowing as they lit up when she agreed to join. This was his first time meeting a stranger on his own in Boreas and he was absolutely thrilled that he'd met someone as friendly as the lady before him. He gave her an appreciative bow of his head, a common courtesy when showing your approval in the kingdom- some things would never change.

As she announced her name, he put on his wide shepherd's smile and swayed his tail lightly. "Caelum," he said it again, just to commit it's sound to memory. "It's my pleasure."

As she started hunting down the scent of the dik-dik's, he crouched over the prints that he'd found and began searching for it's most discernible points. "As you can see, I'm pretty sure they were heading this way..." He lifted his head, looking out toward a cluster of trees and overgrown ferns. Something about this island seemed peculiar compared to the rest of Boreas that was now at the mercy of winter, he couldn't describe why it occured, but the tropical paradise seemed to be fighting off the colder temperatures quite well.

He moved down the trail a bit, though he didn't get very far. It appeared the dik-dik lived in thickly grown in fields of ferns and other jungle flowers and shrubbery. He knew entering would alert them, they'd hear the rustling of the ferns from a mile a way.. now he just had to figure out how to keep the element of stealth even with this hindrance. Maybe his friend had some ideas?