
Kalliope x Castiel pups!



9 Years
12-01-2016, 09:47 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2016, 10:44 PM by Kreft.)
Character Name:Bedelia Adrevendi
Design: 4
Appearance: Bedelia’s color scheme follows that of her mothers, she possesses a light peach coloring on the lower half of both of her front legs as well as the tip of her tail. There is also a spot of peach on her snout that starts at her bottom lip and goes up to between her eyes. The rest of her is a bright ivory, both her eyes are a dark sea blue that you could almost get lost in upon seeing their depth. She will surpass her mother in height but not her father, at a height of 38 inches she is quite on the taller end of the spectrum. Her body is built so that she is light and skinny, this doesn’t mean she is fragile though she is quite resilient when it comes to taking hits.
Personality: Truthful to the meaning of her name Bedelia will be an emotionally strong wolf, willing to stand up for herself and others. She dislikes seeing other wolves being picked on and is not afraid to use her height(38) to her advantage. She is protective of her mother and won’t stand for anyone debasing her just because of her disability. She wants to explore the world but has put that on the back burner so that she can help care for the rest of her family. Bedalia may be protective over her family but that doesn’t make her incapable of having fun, activities she enjoys are meeting other wolves she loves making new friends and isn’t afraid of spending time with anyone no matter how screwed up they may seem when she first meets them. She may not see good in everyone but she is willing to put up with the bad to see if she can find any good. When it comes to orders she’ll follow them no matter what they may be, but only if she’s thought about it she won’t blindly go out to do something that may cause severe consequences in the future. When it comes time for her to go searching for a mate she will stay with them for life for if she loves someone she truly loves them and will do anything for them.
Character Alignment: lawful neutral
Rp Sample:
[Image: Gqk3pLr.png]
[Image: xfrNNFt.png]