
What more can be said



7 Years
Athena I

12-01-2016, 10:18 PM

When he stepped out into the faint light that was still around them she saw that there was quite an interesting pattern of grays all over his form. His scars stood out more in the light as well, but she noticed that as he moved closer he tried to block her view of them. She couldn't really figure out why though and she was a bit sad that she couldn't inspect them closer. She blinked with surprise at his unexpected complement toward her name and it made her pull her gaze up from his chest and shoulder to his face. She felt her face warm a bit at the unexpected attention. "Oh, um... thank you. That's nice of you to say."

At first his size hadn't phased her since he was the same height as Regulus, but as his head lowered a bit and she was able to look him more directly in the eye and he took another step toward her a bit of unease began to creep into the pit of her stomach. There wasn't anyone else around. He did finally stop again a couple of feet away, but she couldn't help but feel a bit uncertain. He finally introduced himself, mentioning that he thought it would be nice to meet someone new. Something in the hesitation of his words made her question the truthfulness of them, but she was so determined to see the good in everyone that she tried to ignore it.

"Well it's nice to meet you then, Elias," she said in return, trying to keep a small smile planed on her face. Everything in her wanted to take a step back from him, but at this point she didn't really want to upset him. "Do you mind if I ask how you got your scars?" she asked, trying desperately to get the main attention off of herself for a moment. "I'm a healer and I'm fascinated by scars and how they form."

"Talk" "You" Think