
What more can be said



6 Years
Extra large

12-01-2016, 10:59 PM

He was thankful for the change of subject; it was clear he wasn't capable of bringing up anything other than the woman he now found himself fixated on, but he tried his best to follow her direction in the conversation. His ears flicked back and forth, confused on where to place themselves as he thought. Did she really want to know about his scars? His mind trailed back to Faite and the necklace that these two carried. He couldn't really remember Faite's scent, it had been so drowned out by others that she carried... but something told him these two were related. Faite had been interested in his scars, as well.

After some internal struggle, he settled on his haunches and anchored himself down so he would be less likely to creep up closer to her like he wanted to. Now that he was sitting, his chest and the vales that traveled up to his shoulder were fully visible. On the opposite shoulder, more toward the blade, was another set of vales.. though smaller, they were still visible with how short his coat was. The rest of his large scars were on his face, long scratches across his snout and a sizable chunk of flesh missing from the top of his broad skull. His legs were littered with little nicks and scratches, though nothing sizable and worthy of being noted. Many more lingered beneath his coat, mainly from when he fell unconscious down a mountain.

He honestly felt quite.. relieved that she was interested in them rather than scared of them, a genuine smile crept across his lips as he thought. "Oh? The.. one across my chest I managed to get from a bear. I was young, and it hit me pretty hard." He wrinkled his nose, "This one here was from a cougar that my sister and I killed. My job was to distract it, I think I did that pretty well." He gave a single chuckle before continuing, "Mmm, the one on my forehead is from my mother. I got on her nerves quite a bit, I'm lucky she didn't do more than that." He grinned, "Anndd, this one.." He twisted his body slightly, showing off enough of his shoulder for her to see the last, "...was a lesson from my brother that I really shouldn't fall behind on my training."

He smiled, remaining quiet for a moment before his eyes fell down to her necklace once again. "May I ask where you managed to find that?" He had a feeling he already knew, though he wanted to hear her response.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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