
What more can be said



7 Years
Athena I

12-01-2016, 11:25 PM

She would be lying if she said that she wasn't a bit relieved when he sat back on his haunches and a smile reached his face. She felt like she could breathe a bit easier then, slightly less worried about the situation she had found herself in. Perhaps that was a naive way to feel, but it was the truth none of the less. She followed suit and settled back on her haunches as well while he began to speak. This was one of the very few encounters she had with someone outside her family or her former pack. She had surprisingly few run-ins with other wolves out here.

Each major scar seemed to have a different story to tell and her gaze traveled over his form as he mentioned each one. A bear, a cougar, his mother, his brother. His body had gone through a lot it seemed. She almost wanted to reach out and feel the scars that the bear had caused across his chest, but she refrained from it. She supposed if she wanted to keep a bit of distance between herself and this stranger she shouldn't go and start closing distance herself. They were incredibly interesting though. It made her wonder what sort of environment he had grown up in. She couldn't imagine her mother or brother ever leaving scars like that on her or one of her other siblings and she had never encountered something like a bear or a cougar. It made her feel very sheltered all of the sudden.

At his question she had to follow his gaze down to her chest where the pale blue stone rested against her fur to figure out what he was asking about. "Oh," she said when she realized it, her head tipping up again to find his face once more with a smile. "Well, I actually just happened across it while I was at a festival held by another pack with my family. It was half-buried in the dirt and I spotted the chain first. My brother had a necklace very similar to this one first so when I found this one I decided to take it with me. I wanted to match him when I was younger." She glanced down at her necklace fondly. "It's sort of become a family tradition somehow. All three wolves from my litter and one of our younger siblings all have necklaces in different colors and such."

"Talk" "You" Think