
no reflection


06-21-2013, 05:41 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2013, 05:42 PM by Deteste.)

This stranger stirred something within Deteste. Something untouchable. His speech and behavior reminded him of his younger self and the personal likeness between them was eerie. The only thing that separated them was their difference in size and specific variations in their scars. De's right ear was torn, where the other's tear was on his left. Looking into the creature's widened cerulean eyes Deteste wished to take him home to the Ludicael. But he knew the danger behind that mental state and it was a risk he would never take. Though he had recovered from a similar psychosis he was unsure if many other individuals had the ability, or choice, to do so. Deteste would guard himself from making any large decisions on the stranger before him but he knew in this moment that their interactions would be much more than a chance meeting in the wilderness.

Does the thunder frighten you? Deteste asked, timbre gentle. He strode slowly closer as if to protect Caesar's small form from the storm, his much taller bulk like a wall under the small rock shelter, the crown of his head nearly touching the stone. Why is the old one hiding? At this point Deteste began to wonder whether or not this was a hallucination. Some strange reference to his past insanity. But he warmth that pulsated from his small counterpart and the white breath that escaped his jaws was too physically present to be imagined. I am not lost. My name is Deteste. The storm is blowing out, you should know the thundering will not bother you now. He . hoped his words would reassure the poor fellow who had relaxed from cramping level tension to extremely tense.