
Another stitch in my heart



7 Years

12-02-2016, 03:19 PM

Since the day that Hansel had passed, Bass had felt... numb. He was going to hold a celebration for his kids birthday, but now just leaving his den was a task enough. Today he went on his normal patrols, head down as he fought against the flurry of snow, but his heart wasn't in it. He hadn't even noticed that he had wandered away from Abaven's borders, heading to the still growing forest. He was aimless in his walking, golden eyes half lidded as he moved without purpose. Another life lost in Abaven, another wolf that he couldn't save; another friend gone. He knew that he should feel a bit better because at least he had passed of age over an accident, but it did little to ease the pain in his heart. With a heavy sigh he lifted his head, blinking in surprise when he saw that he wasn't on pack lands anymore. It took him a moment to find his orientation, looking around him with wide eyes. With everything covered in a blanket of white, it was that much harder to tell where he had ended up. Several moments passed before he started to feel familiar with his surroundings, a breath puffing out of his lungs and clouding before him. Redbud Nook, right. Should he head back and finish his laps around the territories? Glancing over his shoulders, he shook his head slowly. No, he couldn't do that. Not right now. It felt... heavier there now, like a weight on his heart. Right now he didn't want that again, and so he headed deeper into the forest. There was an awfully glum look on his face as he stood under one of the bare trees, the branches starting to get weighed down with snow. But he didn't care, he didn't have the strength to even bother going much further. Sinking to his rump, he curled his tail around him and glanced up at the gray sky, tiny flakes sticking to his brown marked face. Bass didn't even feel them as they melted into his skin, water dripping off his cheeks. Closing his eyes, he just sat there, slowly breathing in and out. The Primo knew that Hansel wouldn't want him to mope like this, but he couldn't help it. His mind kept racing through all the other wolves he had seen die, or had died within his ranks. Hajime, Chrono, and now Hansel. There were so many more that vanished without a trace, his own mate thrown into the mix. He couldn't catch a break, could he? He just wanted to live out the rest of his days with his pack and his kids, was that too hard to ask?

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