
Knock off the rust



7 Years

12-02-2016, 04:00 PM

Dealing with the loss of a friend wasn't something that Bass wasn't used to, but it wasn't something that he particularly liked. He laid in his den, watching the shifting sun as it marked the approach of midday. It had been a mix of snow and rain in the morning, but now it would seem that they had a small break as dim sunlight filtered in his den. The golden beams danced across his white coat, but he felt no joy in it. Instead it was the crippling loss of Hansel, having just passed a few days ago. But he couldn't hide in his den forever, since taking Merlin as his apprentice he had yet to even train him. Plus, time with the always chipper boy would do something to get him out of this stupor. With a groan he pulled himself to his paws, padding out of his resting place and more into the heart of the plains. His tail swished behind him as he looked around, trying to see if he could spot him before he howled. Seeing no one around, the Primo tipped his head up and let out a summoning call for his youngest son. A distraction would be welcomed right now, and with Merlin it was hard to feel sad. Sitting down, he glanced around as he waited. The boy had told him that he hadn't gotten any training from Tinaro at all, wherever the high ranking wolf was. If he didn't show up soon he would be stripped of his rank and demoted back to the first level of a guard, irritation flashing in his eyes. He had promised to do well in that rank, but so far it was nothing but yet another disappointment. Sighing, he had a feeling that they would have to start from the very basics, but that was alright. He had done this so many times before that it was like clockwork, he needed to see to it that Merlin got properly trained anyways.

"Speech" -- "Italian"