
could it be?



7 Years

12-02-2016, 04:45 PM

Bass felt his face growing with excitement the more that Lux spoke, of the grand parties that her family had held. His tail beat against the ground behind him, a faraway look in her eyes. Well, she was here waiting for family, was she not? There was no scent of a pack on her, and an idea started to form in his mind. Winter would be coming soon, a time of great strife for everyone. It was harder on loners though, without a pack to help keep them sustained. Glancing at her with burning curiosity, he knew that he couldn't figure out his answer until he actually asked. "Would you like to stay with me, with is, here in Abaven? You could teach me of these parties and help me organize them. I have been seeking things to bring my pack alive more, to spark more interest in my home. I think that these festivals would be a grand idea indeed, I am sure everyone would be very excited for them. Once your family gets here you could go with them, but for now you could grow comfortable in our ranks," Was there too much hope in his voice? Perhaps, but it was mostly excitement. He was eager to get his pack running with more speed, to light a fire under their butts so that they could truly thrive instead of just surviving. And Lux's ideas, well they could never well do that. "My ranks work differently here, there are no real positions for, well... planning," he said with a laugh, his tail wagging behind him. "We have fighters, healers, hunters, and officers. They are in charge of patrolling the borders and keeping tabs on our allies. I feel that you would fit into this position well. They know how to sneak around and not be seen, and are quick on their paws. With that silver tongue of yours I have no doubt that you would be able to get out of wolves what you needed."

"Talk" "You" Think