
Talis Activity Check



10 Years
Dragon Mod

Samhain 2022LegendaryCritical Fail!Treat 2019
12-02-2016, 06:17 PM (This post was last modified: 12-23-2016, 05:02 AM by Dragon.)
So...I've noticed a big lack in activity within Talis. Which has also been lacking activity since Ivalice...some more than others, but still. I will be doing the same thing as a couple of the other packs and adding an activity check to Talis every month. These checks will begin on the 1st day around midnight of every month, and end on the last day at around 11:59pm-ish of every month. (Unless circumstances prevent me from starting it on time).

Every pack member is expected to do five posts a month Minimum. (I have to do 5 a week so this is nothing). Meeting posts do NOT count! Neither will posts with your own characters. There's a whole pack to interact with, there's no excuse why pack members still wouldn't know one another >.>

》Pack members who fail to meet the post counts will be demoted down a rank, and continued failures will keep getting demoted until they hit the lowest possible rank of Omega. (You don't wanna know what might happen if Omegas continue to shirk activity). Members can redeem themselves with each check by doing extra posts or not missing a check, especially if they wish to return to their original rank (or higher).

--If you are on a long/extended absence for the month then your character will be excused. However, if posts with other chars are seen then you are still required to make the monthly post count, k? Thanks.

I've listed a couple requirements below of what will count.

At least two-three posts must have something to do with their rank. If you are unsure about what counts, or not sure what to do, ask me.
》If your character is a mentor, then two of your posts must be with your apprentice.
》If your character is an Apprentice, then two of your posts must be with your mentor.
》The rest of the posts may be done in any thread, anywhere.
》Brownie points for members/apprentices who do extra rank posts/posts with other pack members!

<b>Character name:</b>
<b>Normal posts:</b> --
<b>Rank posts:</b> --
<b>Extra posts:</b> (Recommended but not required)


everyone passes because of the holidays. Merry Christmas <3
Tracker||Plot with me!

Dragon never goes anywhere without his Dragon armor, assume he is always wearing it unless otherwise mentioned! He also has a pair of seeing eye jaguars, assume they're always present unless otherwise mentioned.