
But I Promised You That I Will See You Again...



7 Years

12-02-2016, 09:01 PM

His ears flicked back slightly when Hansel called him 'kid', mostly out of habit than having bitter feelings towards his friend. He knew that he still had time, but how much? It always took someone dying to see just how short life really was, to notice how fleeting it all was. He sniffled as he was unable to keep his emotions at bay for long, the more that Hansel spoke the more his heart was starting to break. It was then that he buried his face in his dying friends fur, refusing to let him go. He had asked him to stay, but there was no way in hell he would have left. Sobbing into his gray coat, he shook his head when the gentleman said that he was ready. "Well I'm not," he said, voice muffled in his current position. He didn't want to just let him go, no matter if it was his time or not. Just because he thought he was ready didn't mean it was true, right? But Bass heard the pain in his voice, the suffering of letting go of this world. Did he really want him to stick around if he was going to be half dead and miserable? What kind of life was that? He realized that he was being selfish in holding on, but even know he knew it, it didn't stop him from feeling it.

Hansel started to talk about his family, and he pulled his head up slowly to meet his silver eyes. In all the years he had known him, he never said that he had kids. It didn't stop his weeping as he spoke of losing his kids, his heart twisting and breaking even further for him. He listened to the story as he felt like he was going to lose his lunch, his head turning away. So his family was waiting for him then? Bass nodded stiffly, unsure of what condolences he could offer him now on his deathbed. He nodded again when he mentioned what he had said before about his kids, understanding where that fierceness had come from. "I promise," he said, his voice broken up by the sobs that consumed him. Knowing that Hansel was growing weaker, the pale man laid down beside him, twisting his head so that he could bury it in his neck. He would keep him safe and warm until the time came, tears nearly freezing on the icy ground. The rush of the water sounded around them, nearly hiding Bass's sniffles as he just waited. There were no more words that he could think to say, his throat closed off by the weight of his grief. Another wolf down in his pack, another friend gone. How many more wolves would he lose in his lifetime? It was nothing close to the pain that Hansel must have felt burring his children, something no parent should ever have to do. Oh wait. Sitting up slightly, he tried to find the mans gaze once more. "Where are they buried? I will lay you to rest beside them, place you with your loved ones," he didn't care how far it was, he would make sure that he got there.

"Talk" "You" Think