
Exodus Ancora


IT'S OVER 9000!

13+ Years
12-02-2016, 09:05 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2016, 09:12 PM by Shrapnel.)
Alright so there's another pup up for adoption from the Creed x Kavdaya litter. Here is Kavdaya's profile and here is Creed's.

Exodus has four siblings which are here:
Knight, Fable, Glory, and Valor  

This is an adoption for new applicants. That means you cannot apply if you have applied to the previous adoption threads for any of the pups from their litter. If there's not enough interest from new applicants then I will open this for previous applicants as well.

I am honestly really tired of having to take back pups and adopt them out again so if you apply please make sure you're going to be active with them. I will take the pup back if you don't post in a month - especially if I don't hear from you in that amount of time.


1. Bri and I reserve the right to take back the pup after one ooc month of no posting. That means you need to post once a month, but it's more than encouraged for you to post more than that.

2. The designs I've listed below are for Ardent only. If the pup is taken from you then that does not give you the right to use it anywhere else. That being said, you need to choose a design from the ones provided. Minor changes may be made like eye color, but nothing drastic.

3. If the design you chose requires purchases, then by applying you agree that those purchases can go with this pup if it gets taken from you. You will not be entitled to a refund because after this the pup will not be changing designs again (if it does.) It's still a pup and has been barely been played so I'm willing to make an exception.

4. I do not have a problem with the pup being bi, gay, or think of itself as a woman if that's really what you want. However, I do want that progress to be in character after at least a year of age. There's no reason for a pup to think of itself as an opposite gender this early in life.

5. Exodus' name and gender will be remaining the same. You can add a middle name if you so choose, but the first name will remain and Exodus will be a male.

I might add more rules if I can think of any, but for now that's it. For now, please check out the available designs. Please ignore the numbers on the images themselves - they're from the old adoption thread. I've excluded any of the old designs that were used. If you really don't like any of these I may be inclined to make more so please don't hesitate to ask. Just remember that if I custom make one for you that you don't get to keep it.

Design One - white with blue/black markings
Design Two - Blue/black with slate gray markings
Design Three - Gray with dark gray and white markings, green tear markings. (requires abnormal color markings.)
Design Four - gray with white markings, green tear markings. (requires abnormal color markings.)
Design Five - tan with darker brown markings.
Design Six - white with black markings, green tear markings. Resembles their grandfather, Cifer. (requires abnormal color markings)

(might add a few more since more of these are expensive.)

If you would rather use Exodus' original design here is his profile. It has his personality on it and all the purchases have already been made.

I have upped the word count required in the form. I want you to be absolutely sure you want this pup. I have no set date on choosing the player so this may be open for a little while. Have at it guys.

[b]OOC Name:[/b]
[b]Name:[/b] Exodus
[b]Gender:[/b] Male
[b]Design Number:[/b] What design?
[b]Alignment:[/b] Nothing below Neutral Good.
[b]Appearance Description:[/b] 250+ words of original, detailed description of the design, plus defining build characteristics. (For ideas of what build they may inherit, Check out their parents' profiles; both are well detailed)
[b]Personality Description:[/b] Again, 250+ words of original, detailed description.
[b]Plans:[/b] What do you plan to do with the character you want?
[b]Roleplay Sample:[/b] 300+ words of original writing. I want to see how you and the character would mesh