
I love the fog


06-21-2013, 07:15 PM

It had been some time, ever since arriving in this new place, that he had had some fun. He severely missed the withering and sniveling cries of his prey as they struggled beneath his massive weight, begging for him to stop, to let them go, to spare their lives. Their cries made it that much more entertaining because their words would always fall on deaf ears. Mercy wasn't in his vocabulary and it would never be. To include that in his vocabulary would be for his game to loose its fun and he didn't want that. His game was too much fun the way it was.

He could see the anger raging behind her amethyst eyes as she stared at him, the rage spreading through her smaller body. That was perfect! It would only make her struggle that much more entertaining for the gargantuan man. At least she would put a fight, make things more interesting. And then without warning, though he had been expecting it in the few moments before, she launched herself towards him, hell-bent on ripping him limb from limb. Poor thing would be disappointed that day because she wasn't going to get wish. She charged towards him, jaws agape as she aimed towards his chest. Had she been trying to protect herself then he would have also given himself some type of protection, but the foolish woman was leaving herself unprotected and at the mercy of his jaws. That was completely fine with him. A cynical laugh boomed from his chest as her teeth clamped down on the muscle in his chest. Good luck trying to get through that. Before she could wrestle herself away from him, the significantly larger brute brought his own powerful jaws down on her scruff, sharpened daggers easily slicing through her delicate flesh to reach the tender meat underneath. Blood spilled into his jaws. He could've sighed with pleasure. He'd missed the taste of blood.

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