
Rekindling the Fire


06-21-2013, 07:15 PM

Dragneel's ears perked with the curiosity of the two. While Seraphine's brother was interesting, this was sort of a family in which he didn't understand. One that loved each other, he had always been off on his own. He flicked his tail and looked up, this meant their den was nearby didn't it. Seraphine was the one, as he struggled to understand the words that came out of Aeron's mouth it was a tongue he did not understand. Another language, something he and his brother knew was a strange language not like the one Aeron had been speaking. Though it sounded like he was asking if he was a friend or not? If Seraphine wished it he would be Aeron's friend. He looked to the female pup and flicked his tail. "Mistress Seraphine, I'll do whatever you ask from this moment on if you wish. I only want to make you pleased, as well as those you wish to protect I will protect." He bowed a little bit, a pup of this age did not understand loyalty yet, but he could make her understand.

"You tell me to do something and I shall do it, because I am loyal to you and enjoy serving and guiding. If you have any questions I will answer them to the best of my ability." Dragneel tried to put it in simple turns turning to Aeron and giving a little nod. He was a friend, as long as Seraphine wanted him to be at least.
