
Give Me A Reason [Birthing]



6 Years

12-03-2016, 02:53 AM
Ooc: Zell needs to post first - after my second post, when the kids are born, they can be posted. After that the rest of Faite's family is welcome to hop in if you want.

She was waddling.


She was so fat that whenever her weight shifted she was reminded of a very large duck. She still wondered from time to time how many kids she was actually having. She looked like a very inflated blimp with stilts coming out of the bottom. It would have been funny if she hadn't felt so irritable and hormonal half the time. Part of it was due to being bored - ever since she'd stepped down she'd been suffering. She didn't know what to do with herself most of the time. At this point she could barely hunt her own food. Running wasn't an option and she got tired just trying to do a border patrol. Did they have to make her so fat?

She'd already scouted out a den in the Estuary. She could tell her due date was close and she wanted to make sure she was near the den she'd dug out. It was small - it'd been a coyote den at one point. She'd dug it out to make room for herself, Zell, and the kids when they were born. It was only a temporary thing, but she wanted to have them where he could easily see them as well. The plains just hadn't felt like the right spot to her and she was beyond anxious about it. Everything needed to be perfect.

She was lying in the den she'd made, resting mostly. Zell's acceptance of stepping up to be a father had eased some of her worries. Not only had Fortune been helping, but he'd been around to help as well. It was weird being taken care of - she certainly couldn't wait to be able to get around on her own feet again without feeling like she was being weighed down by a bunch of boulders.

She had her eyes closed, attempting to take a nap, when the first contraction hit. Panic threatened to set in at the pain and she immediately scanned for Zell before she remembered he was not in the den. Crap. Was she going to have them now? He needed to be here! She'd assumed it'd be a few days, yet this certainly didn't feel like normal pregnancy stuff. They were definitely coming. She rose her head and let out a rather pained howl before she rested it back on the ground as another contraction wracked through her body. Yep, this was definitely it.

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]