
Give Me A Reason [Birthing]



11 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

1KFamousTreat 2019
12-03-2016, 03:27 AM

He'd been stalking a goose. One of the few strays that had remained behind instead of flying south for the winter. He had remained with Faite, staying nearby as the pups in her belly grew. With each day that passed, he felt more anxious. Excited. Nervous. Scared. A whole list of emotions. He was sure Faite was feeling the same way. This was her first litter, and his as well. But she was also the one carrying them, so he did all he could to make sure she was comfortable and fed. Winter would not be an easy time, or so he figured. With the summer drought and the continued lack of prey during the fall, this season seemed to barely let up. The nights were freezing, the rains making it colder. So he would curl up with her at night to make sure she was warm and not freezing her tail off.

As he carefully snuck into the reeds, eyes on the goose, a sudden howl would rip through the air. He flinched in surprise for a moment, ears pinning as he watched the few geese startle and race across the water before taking off in a panic. "Who the fuck!" Whoever it was, he was about to go find them and tear them a new one! Turning around, he heard the remnants of the howl fade away and he realized then it wasn't just anyone. It was Faite. But why would she..."Oh no...oh no!" It was time, wasn't it!? Today!?

He scrambled to his feet and raced towards the den they shared. His mind racing with all kinds of thoughts as his paws drummed upon the ground, his large body crashing through the bushes. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Yep. He was starting to feel that panic. It seemed he would make it to the den in record time, the large brute skidding to an ungraceful halt when he reached the den, nearly barreling his way inside. Wide eyed, he saw Faite lying on the ground and sprawled on her side with pain on her face. Rushing to her, he stepped around her and carefully lied against her back so that she could lean against him if she needed to. "Is there anything I can do?" He had no clue what to do. Would a healer come? Did she need one? So many thoughts raced through his head. So for now, he opted to remain where he was and began to lick her neck for comfort.


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