
fire in his eyes



6 Years
Extra large

12-03-2016, 02:45 PM

His grin grew wide from ear to ear, inky lips pulled back far enough to show a bit of the red of his gums. He watched her doubt herself and it made is chest swell as he boasted in his confidence of breaking her. She was going to strike, and his tail tip swayed like a preying cat as he waited for it. He watched her as she snarled and grew agitated by his words, causing him a low rumble to form in the depth of his barreled chest. It bubbled up his throat while his skull and neck lowered, releasing to create a rather malevolent and quiet laugh.

His eyes narrowed as his adrenaline soared, his limbs nearly shaking as his heart beat faster in his anticipation. Those rubies widened slightly as he watched her nibble the bait, enticing her by getting inching his face closer to her in hopes that she'd lash out. She moved, and quickly the beast whipped his skull back to avoid the bite-- though, he felt the sting of teeth drag through the tip of his nose just before he managed to retract it from her closing jaws.

He quickly moved to his left, wanting to get out of a head-on challenging position with the woman. His nostrils flared as the Minotaur snorted and shook his head, red muscle between his jaws slithering out to lap at the new blood dripping from the front of his nose. He swept it over the thick of his teeth, staining the front of his smile with a bit of red just before his lips parted wide once again to expose them.

He had no doubt that she would want to keep her teeth guarding the rest of her, to keep them as a barrier between his face and her body. His long limbs moved quickly, squaring out beneath the bulk of his form as they carried him, rushing to bring him further down the woman's right side. His jaw clenched slightly as he eyed her side, a pink froth coating his lips as the blood from his nose mingled with his drooling anticipation. He wanted to sink his teeth into her lovely black and gray shoulder, or possibly even further down to test how much flesh padded her rib-cage. Oh, fuck-- he was dying to know.

He lunged forward, aiming as far back down her right side as he could get.. trying to get himself as parallel with her as possible before his weight anchored into his wide chest. His back legs pushed against the soil quickly, aiming to swing themselves out of range of her teeth and get move him into a position that would turn their parallel stance into more of a 'T'. He was a blur of gray as he struggled to accomplish this. For his height, Elias was lean and had always trained more to tone his mobility than his strength- his father had taught him that his mobility would always be his greatest weakness. Instead of bulking up like his father, or even the woman before him, he'd chose to keep his body less weighed down and more agile. That training was put to work as his hips finally caught up behind him and he lunged forward, jaws parting wide as he aimed to take in a good bite of her fur and flesh, aiming to land just behind her shoulder blade in the lower- middle and cause his teeth to make an impact against her ribs.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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