
What more can be said



6 Years
Extra large

12-03-2016, 03:16 PM

There was something about her that was just so delicate, something that reminded him of falling snow in early winter. It was so slow and innocent, moving across the wind with a majestic grace as it descended to the earth in air barely cool enough to keep it alive. It danced and enticed right before one's eyes, but as soon as it lands.. it dissolves and it's gone forever.

He lowered his head, his ears twitching as he struggled to pay attention. He knew where that necklace came from and her dulled words only confirmed his suspicion, but something else was on his mind and if she had looked close enough.. it might have been evident on his features. His muzzle dipped downward slightly as his gaze traveled lower, as if he were looking at the ground though there was an estranged focus to them that made it clear he was looking to something in his mind's eye rather than something on the ground.

For a moment, he imagined the beautifully pale face of Katar on the blurry gray woman to his left. He kept Zuriel in his peripheral though didn't stare, allowing her definitions to be dulled and his imagination to play. Katar was delicate as well, much more so than Zuriel. She was so small, so gentle and so incredibly opposite of him. She should have never fallen in love with a beast like Elias, no.. she was far to fragile from the start both in mind and body.

He.. he didn't mean to kill her. She... she'd just been so.. easy to break. And so stubborn.

If she had only remained in his company that night, they would likely have been happy for the rest of their lives. At least, that's what he told himself. If she'd only stayed and not risked putting herself in danger and leaving the territory while in her season.. she wouldn't have ended up with her skull crushed against a standing pillar in the heart of the jungle, with no one around to mourn her save for her assailant himself.

An assailant.. that's what he was, wasn't it?

He let out a sigh, realizing now that he'd likely been quiet enough to make the whole thing awkward between himself and Zuriel. He narrowed his eyes, further distorting her image in the corner of his vision as he tried to smear Katar's portrait away from Zuriel's visage. When he looked up to the woman, the ghost was gone and he took in a breath. He stared in to Zuriel's two-toned blue pools, switching his focus from one to the other as he admired their color. He lifted his head finally, "You have the most beautiful eyes, more stunning than any I've ever seen before. Blue is the color of the virtuous and the morally strong, and you were born with not one but two shades of it."

He looked to the shimmering stone at the end of the silver necklace that clung to her and stepped forward again, this time not minding their personal space. He would attempt to slowly step up close enough that his nose could brush against the stone, nudging it to his right just to feel how it felt against the flesh of his nose. "It doesn't surprise me that the necklace you found is blue as well and not green like your sister's, it's your color."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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