
Once Again


12-03-2016, 05:05 PM

He had repeated himself yet again, introducing as Alpha. This must have been what they called the leaders here. No wonder he was so easy and professional to let out these words.

Listening intently to what this alpha had to say, Lyre would nod her head from time to time and narrow her eyes as she thought. There were so many options and opportunities, but she was already aware of what would suit her best. She was aware of most of the prey being scarce especially for those who didn't have each other's backs. But she would always find an alternative and just live off the land somehow. At least her spirits were mostly up and that's what got her through the hard days.

"I'd be happy to help anyone I could if that is what you desire." This man seemed incredibly kind and she was getting over the fact that these wolves were claiming lands as if they owned the planet. She was looking to give some things a try, it was a different world up here after all. "It has  been some time since I've been in practice but I specialize in herbs and healing. Though I could help helping to hunt  as well."

Walk "Talk"