
What more can be said



7 Years
Athena I

12-03-2016, 05:37 PM

Zuriel's words trailed off when she noticed his head turning and gaze drifting off to the side. Her ears flicked uncertainly as the silence settled in on them and stretched on for what felt like ages. It may have just been a few moments in all honesty, but as the night continued to darken around them and the unsettling feeling worked on her stomach she got more and more uneasy in this silence. She considered trying to back away from him and slip away while he was apparently distracted, but his head turned back toward her before she had the chance.

Her ears folded back against her head as his red gaze stared into her own two-toned blue. Once again though he caught her off guard with a compliment, making her blink with surprise. His compliments were so unexpectedly deep in nature that it made her pause. "Thank you..." she replied softly, unsure of how to respond. She had never experienced flattery like this before. She really hadn't even had so much as a crush before so even the smallest compliments were enough to keep her there instead of trying to slip away from him.

She didn't consciously realize it, but as he stepped toward her and dipped his head toward her her breath got caught in her throat. She could hear her blood pounding in her ears as he brushed the stone of her necklace with her nose, causing it to roll gently across her chest. It took her a moment to process what he said about her sister's necklace, everything in her mind feeling like it was at a stand still. She realized she was still holding her breath and let the air go in a soft sigh. "You know Faite?" she breathed, a bit curious how he knew Faite was her sister. Although with her story of how many of her siblings had these necklace she wasn't too surprised.

"Talk" "You" Think