
What more can be said



7 Years
Athena I

12-03-2016, 06:39 PM

She couldn't quite see all of his expression as he played with her necklace, just the slight glow of red eyes peering up at her. The stone of her necklace rose and fell gently against her chest how that she could actually breathe again, but her breath was uneven and shallow. He seemed to pause a bit at the mention of Faite, but if his response was to be believed he didn't really know her sister that well. But he knew of her and that was still an interesting tidbit for her to mull on. His nose brushed through her fur and his breath was hot against her skin, making her muscles tense and sending a chill across her skin.

Zuriel was frozen in place as his teeth lightly brushed against her skin and moved through her fur while he nibbled his way up her neck. Her heart was pounding hard against her chest and her breath had a slight, scared shudder to it. She was quickly realizing the error of her ways here. She liked to think that she was old enough to hold her own and smart enough to avoid troubles like this, but in reality she had seen very little of the world and didn't know there was real threats out there that weren't just attacks on packs and lack of food. Dread filled her as he moved even closer, his muzzle moving around her neck to just behind her ears, his breath leaving goosebumps on her skin in its wake. She knew she couldn't fight him. Even if she had been skilled in fighting he would be able to overpower her without even trying. If she tried to run she feared it would only make him angry. No, she was stuck here now. She had sealed her own fate the moment she greeted him with a smile instead of hurrying away in the first place.

His words about her being a thing to be cherished and that she kept the scale balanced didn't do anything to ease her worries. Especially not when he added that he was kind on the other side of the scale. His growl made her ears flick back against her head again and she felt like she would never be able to catch her breath. Her gaze flicked across the area around them since he couldn't see her face from his place with his teeth at the nape of her neck. Not a soul in sight. His words made her seem so praised and so important. Why was it then that his heat against her chest terrified her? "Why... Why are you doing this? W-What do you want from me?" she asked, her whisper breathless and barely loud enough to get past her throat.

"Talk" "You" Think