
Long Spiral Down



9 Years
Athena I
12-03-2016, 06:57 PM

Kalliope chuckled and nodded in agreement to the request to tell Faite how Castiel took the news once she told him. Hearing from Faite that it was indeed an exciting thing made her hopeful that Castiel would be just as excited. She was probably much more worried about it than she needed to be, but there were just so many variables to consider. She was sure she wasn't the oldest mother around, but she was still on the older side. Besides that, she had been born blind. What if one of her children had the same fate?

She didn't have to be lost in her thoughts for too long though since Faite responded with some questions to her offer of help. She smiled a little at Faite's questions. It was very obvious that the other woman knew little to none about pups and how the whole process worked. That was alright, Kalliope only really knew what to expect from hearing about it from others. She would experience it herself soon enough she supposed. "Well, you hit the nail on the head with the fatter and hungrier thing," she responded with a chuckle before she continued. "Motherwort is a really good herb for mothers. Just take a small amount of it daily. It'll help ease everything along. Lavender is good for keeping calm as well. Might be good to have some around when you're giving birth. Other than that... Just avoid things like fighting or anything else that might be too strenuous. You're still fairly young and healthy so I don't think you'd have anything to be concerned about. Your body knows what to do. Don't be worried."

"Talk" "You" Think