
What more can be said



7 Years
Athena I

12-03-2016, 07:37 PM

Silence. Her question was met with silence and she felt panic start to bubble up in her chest, curling around her lungs and squeezing the air out of them. His form moved, his frame dwarfing her in an entirely different way now that he stood at his full height. She felt a subtle shift of his jaws moments before his teeth closed in on her scruff just as his chest pressed to her shoulder. A quiet whisper of a whimper escaped her as he shoved down on her neck, pushing her head down with the motion. She had never been the strong one out of her siblings. Her form was always more slender, always more frail. There was no way for her to resist him. He was easily twice her size after all and she had never been one to train her muscles at all. She tried to tug away from his touch once, but his teeth started to cut into her skin so she quickly stopped and held still once more. His limb was heavy on her back, easily making her knees bend under the weight. Leaving Celestial had been a mistake. What in the world had made her think that she could be out here on her own? All she knew was herbs. Healing was her entire life. A lot of good it was doing her now.

She knew that she had two options. She could try to fight, but she knew she would just end up more hurt than she would be otherwise. She could just let him do what he wanted to do, but then... She closed her eyes tight tried to force a steady breath of air into her lungs, but it was no use. Her heart was still hammering wildly against her chest and her legs were trembling like leaves in the wind. All she could feel was the cold ground below her and the heat from his body above her. She had never been with anyone like this before and now somehow this moment would be her first time. She held still and kept her eyes closed, trying to focus on counting her breaths or her heart beats to the feeling of the soft snowflakes that had started to fall on them. Anything to keep her mind out of this moment.

"Talk" "You" Think