
Simple Man


06-21-2013, 08:33 PM

This male didn't seem to pose any threat toward Aeil. As she took in more details of how he laid across the ground, she realized it. His relaxed form and gentle tones, matching his eyes, made her own body relax. Aeil's heart rate decreased in its rapid rate and she felt her muscles let go of the previous tension. A gentle smile crossed her features as Demonio revealed his own lack of knowledge of the springs. She was glad she wasn't alone in that.
"I'm glad I didn't intrude, sir," she said, gentle tones fluent with a soft tremor of light. "That's one more thing I don't have to worry about now." Her tail moved from between her hind legs and wagged side to side behind her. Aeil's ears perked as he spoke of his home and she took a couple of steps forward. "Tortuga? I have never heard of it before...same as I haven't been around this place until now." Dark blue eyes roved to the springs nearby and a brow raised in a curious manner. "Those look strange, indeed...I wonder what they are..." Voice faded as she looked back to the white-pelted male in front of her. "I apologize for my rudeness. My name is Aeil, and it's a pleasure to meet you, Mister...?"
