
I Am Bulletproof



4 Years
12-04-2016, 06:39 PM

Winter! Snow had already started falling days ago and now it blanketed the earth a pretty sparkling film of powder. He'd already spent the last hour romping through it and flecks of snow clung to his pelt and some areas even patches of it had frozen to his fur. He felt like a little kid again despite the fact he and his siblings would be turning two next season. He was a bit envious of Jayne and Diana. They were two now and would get to pick what ranks they wanted, but he was also relieved he hadn't had to choose yet.

Lionel was still a bit stumped on what rank he wanted to pursue. Heather had it easy - she wanted to be Princess so that's what she was working towards. He had no desire to contest against her for the rank and had instead just settled for training with her so she could earn it. They'd sparred, done border patrols, and then Athena had even held fight training. He thought back to the healer training - he'd been practically useless in that scavenger hunt though he'd retained a few things. Then there was the hunting session he and Alfie had done - hunting porcupines had been frightening, but fun at the same time.

The problem with his desire to learn everything just meant it was harder for him to choose what rank he wanted. If he learned more he could choose to be a healer, or he could take the simple route and be a hunter. He still didn't have enough experience fighting to be comfortable with the rank, but he was certainly interested. This was too hard! Not knowing what to decide, an idea came to his head. He'd talk to his dad about it! Yeah that was a good idea. He stopped under a tree, still covered in snow, and raised his head. He let out a quick call for his dad and silently hoped he wasn't busy.

Walk, "Talk" Think

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[Image: Hr8G61Z.png]