
life is simple; just add water



2 Years
12-04-2016, 09:31 PM
Zuri Brass

Zuri couldn't remember a time when she had met a sightless wolf, but she would surely remember this one. The way she was in touch with her senses was remarkable, but the way she showed no anger or fear, the way she appeared warm and kind. She who would have every reason to be mad at the world, or even afraid of it, was at peace. There the silver woman worked, gently tugging at the stems of the ginseng root. It was refreshing to see, to say the least.

To hear Storm was a part of a pack, which she assumed was nearby, was interesting. Zuri had never been a part of a pack, and wasn't aware the freedom a healer had inside one. It opened her eyes to a possibility she didn't think she had. "I wasn't aware of a pack nearby, nor that they allowed their healer to gather herbs freely. It must be nice." She watched the silver woman pick more and more ginseng root, clearly the pack she was taking care of was quite large in size.

At hearing her offer being accepted, Zuri nearly jumped straight up in joy. "Okay! I'll be just over there Storm!" Her legs traveled across the distance with a hop in each step, walking up to the horsetail. The earth was a mixture of sand and soil, the green stems getting closer and closer to the waters edge. The fawn female would carefully dig around a stem first, allowing her to get the most out of each plant she picked. She would the rip the horsetail from it's soil, and gently shake off the dirt. Zuri continued these steps, generating a pile of her own.

She was focused in her task, she almost didn't hear Storm's gentle voice float across the distance between them. "I learned from my mother, she was a loner. But she loved nature and the earth and helping others," She smiled at the memories of the pale woman. "She taught me healing because, I guess, she saw those same qualities in me. I feel like there is so much more to learn though, you know? Nature always has something new to teach us." She spared one last glance towards the blind woman, noticing she had quite the pile of herbs forming. "What about you, Storm? Where did you learn to use herbs without sight?"

We must take adventures,

In order to know where we truly belong.