
Got me ten feet off the ground



6 Years

12-04-2016, 11:17 PM

Faite felt wound up for the most part, but she was grateful that the kids were born. She didn't have their overbearing weight pulling at her stomach anymore which meant she didn't feel like an inflated balloon ready to pop. She still had some traces of fat, but she was sure she could work that off once the pups were weaned. Once they didn't need feeding every few hours that meant Zell could watch them a bit more and she could get out and do things. More than once she'd wanted to get out to stretch her cramped legs, but she was anxious. She trusted Zell with them alright, but they were in loner territory. She couldn't bring herself to leave them for very long. She felt like she'd turned into the world's most anxious mother.

She'd been cramped up in the den again until she felt like she couldn't take it anymore. She was a wolf of wide open spaces, so she left the five of them in the care of their father. She wouldn't be gone very long. She briefly wondered how everyone else was doing. How was Regulus faring, or Creed and his family? She hadn't said much about where she was having the children. There'd been so much else to worry about. She was grateful for the silence lately - it let her focus on getting to know Zell better and just letting her enjoy trying to become familiar with the idea that she was a mother. It still felt strange to her despite the fact it'd been a few days.

She padded away from the temporary den. It felt good to stretch out her unused muscles. She was going to have to do so much training to work off this fat. At least she could move again. She padded around a little bit. A part of her felt the desire to hunt, but that would take too long. Instead she walked on and after a while a very familiar scent fluttered to her nostrils. What was Zuriel doing here? Faite hadn't expected her back so soon. Her tail wagged excitedly behind her and she easily found the tree that she sat under. Her smile faded off her face as she approached. She could smell the wet saltiness of tears and it was obvious Zuriel had been crying.

"Zuriel. What's wrong?"

Walk, "Talk" Think

[Image: x638RtN.png]
[Image: sI0gGqh.png]