
The path we take



9 Years
12-05-2016, 03:17 AM

Xephyris watched her as she laughed a little bit, his eyes narrowing as he wondered what was on her mind. Was she taking this seriously, or was she more of a laid-back type of wolf? He wasn't ready to turn her away, not with so few members in his pack, so he supposed he would find out about her ethics after some time. He was more than willing to give her a chance and see how she did in Vyper. He listened as she spoke, ears flicking to acknowledge her words. He liked that she at least seemed to want to know the pack, stating that it would be easier as they were still a small group. He nodded to her, tail swishing once. "Good," he said in response to her words, "Then we would love to have you, and get to know you as well." When she asked for his name, he grinned, tail flicking high into the air. Had he forgotten to introduce himself? Or had he left out his name on purpose? Well, he wasn't one to divulge too much information at first, if it wasn't needed. But, if she was going to stay, she would certainly need to know who he was. "My apologies, Yona," he rumbled with a small dip of his head, "Call me Xephyris. Welcome to Vyper. Come on in, make yourself at home. I'll accompany you for a while so that the others know you are welcome here."

His eyes scanned over her for just a moment longer, a somewhat quiet and tense moment, before he turned and padded back inside his territory. His bushy tail flicked, beckoning her to follow. If she was to be a member within Vyper, then she ought to get to know the territory immediately, and he wasn't going to leave her to her own devices right off the bat. He would show her around, and give her a chance to get familiar before she went about on her own.

"Talk" "You" Think
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