
Darkness will Rise


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Expert Hunter (120)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

13 Years
Dragon Mod

1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Christmas 2019Treat 2019
12-05-2016, 03:42 PM

Finally, he was in new lands without his lame family. Though upon investigating surrounding lands, he swore he could smell his sire around. It made Greed paranoid, like the old man was following him. Stalking him. A low growl rose in his throat at the thought of it. If Liar thought he could get Greed to follow him on his stupid whim of a dream, he thought wrong. Tail lashing, he bounded further away from Talis territory as he sought out new places to explore. As a yearling, he now had free reign over where he could go and what he could do. Mentors were being assigned now, so he could finally learn some stuff that perhaps his sire should have taught, but didn't. Pathetic! He thought with disgust. Instead, the former Alpha Avalon was the one doing most of the warrior training. Though she seemed to be a better parent then his own damn dad. Typical. "Course I'd get stuck with a lame ass family!" He muttered.

Before he could think about it more, he stopped in his tracks when he spotted something on the sands of the bay he had arrived at. Cold blue eyes narrowed, zeroing in on whatever it could be. What the hell was it? The more he stared, the more he realized it was another wolf. boring! Ah boring as it may be, at least it was something to keep him occupied. He didn't exactly take off to explore and admire the pretty sights anyway. As he decided to mull over what he should do, he spotted something approaching the collapsed wolf.

Whoever it was, walked right up to it and began to touch it. What the fuck? Was he trying to eat it or something? Flicking his tail, the yearling decided it was high time he make himself known. Bounding towards the two, he stared at the dark colored male as he circled around behind him, blue gaze momentarily flicking towards the one on the ground. Her eyes weren't closed, and she was breathing. Either they were together or this guy was a blind idiot! "Tryin' to sneak in a smooch, ya perv?" Yep. He would assume that.


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