
precious and fragile things



6 Years
Extra large

12-05-2016, 04:15 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2016, 04:16 PM by Elias.)

His breathing paused when he heard the first signs of someone near him. As usual, his first question was whether or not it was something his mind had made up or if it was really there. There was a frightening feeling that came with looking at the things his mind teased him with. His ears remained tall peaks of his crown on either side as he paid close attention, whatever it was had stopped moving. Ruby gaze would squint as he waited, his ears paying so close of attention that the sound of the frogs' praise for the rain was getting overbearing. Finally, he heard the steps again and they seemed a bit louder this time- almost purposely so. Such a polite gesture had his mind racing as to who it could be, but Eliana stuck out in his mind.

There was a hopeful look on his face, replacing his usual look of indifference; his crimson eyes remained wide and alert just like his expression as he lifted his head and craned his neck to look for her. When he spotted her, it was almost terrifying to even himself how fast his mood could change. Warmth blossomed across his flesh, starting on the left side of his skull and shooting down his spine; it hit his long limbs with a spark that got him to his feet and sent him bounding over to her, galloping and leaping like a really oversized pup. All worry and doubts had disappeared, it'd been far too long since he'd last seen Eliana and he was utterly ecstatic to be with her once again.

"Lia," he spoke in a low rumble as he slowed himself, having the distance between them in just seconds. It didn't take long for the agile wonder to regain his composure, his limbs straightening out to hold him up tall while his neck outstretched level with his spine as he reached for her with his muzzle. His nose quickly sought it's way into her cheek fur, and from there he pressed down her neck to embrace his sister in a loving nuzzle. He'd missed her, and she would undoubtedly be able to tell that by the hard beat of his heart in his chest while he pressed it against her own and curled the thick of his neck over her shoulder blades and nape.

He gave a long sigh before pulling away, though he couldn't remain there forever. Immediately, his thoughts wanted to catch up with her and check on her well-being. "It's good to see you, I am sorry for leaving so abruptly. I've been restless, I guess you could say. I can't imagine the work it took to find me," he smirked. "How are you? Have you come across any trouble at all, have you ate?"

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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