
fire in his eyes



6 Years
Extra large

12-05-2016, 04:33 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2016, 04:33 PM by Elias.)

The fulfilling feeling that came with the sinking of his teeth into the flesh surrounding her rib-cage was indescribable. For a moment, the tall beast closed his eyes as he studied how far his teeth had to reach before they felt the smooth touch of her warm skin. His curiousity wasn't yet sated, and as those teeth pressed into her flesh and let the trickling of blood spill across his lips- he went further. How much flesh until her ribs were in danger? He didn't want to break them... he didn't think so anyway. Did he? No. He fought with himself. This wasn't an attack, it was a test of strength.

He stopped himself from finding her ribs, reluctantly loosening the muscles of his jowls as he focused instead on getting her down and immobile. He wasn't done with his demonstration. That's it, this was a lesson! She shouldn't be so eager to bite off more than she can chew! He brought up his right forelimb to weigh down on her back as he began pushing his weight into her in an attempt to get her down on the ground and on her left side. Once that was accomplished, he'd carefully bring his right paw over to the flesh that he held in the grip of his teeth. He'd release her, but immediately press his weight down into the bite he'd just made with his paw in an attempt to stun her from the pain and keep her down.

His neck turned as his eyes searched for her own, wanting to read what the struggle was doing to her psyche. He'd learned from his sister that most wolves leaked unspeakable emotions from their eyes, so he focused there as he pressed his paw upward and then downward, stretching the bite wound. Would she strike? He chuckled, "Now why did you think that landing a bite might be a good idea? Whatever the reason, it's clear to me now why your sister left. I'm sorry to break it to you if you don't already know, but you're unfortunately very uhm.. well, how can I put this." For a moment, he feigned the desire to candy-coat his words as his eyes fluttered upward while he sought out the proper term. "Dumb and lazy. You have so much potential here girl, and you're just letting it go to waste. What are you even doing with your life?"

He laughed, thoroughly amused with himself before he released his paw from her and took a few steps back. He was still toying, he couldn't help it at this point. "I'll give you a mulligan, come on now. Let's try this again."

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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