
White Wedding



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-21-2013, 09:31 PM (This post was last modified: 06-21-2013, 09:34 PM by Epiphron.)

Late to her own wedding. Of course! Always Epiphron Adravendi had been so prompt, so quick to respond to beckons and pleas, even when it was not needed. But on this particular day, likely one of the most important days in her life thus far, she felt as though she was allowed to be as late as she damn well pleased.

But no, she was not simply late for the sake of being late. The woman was known for being composed and regal, in many ways a spitting image of Cairo in that regard. Rarely did she falter, and when she demonstrated any faults of character, these occasions were reserved for those closest to her. Her father, Erani -- who was as good as her mother, though she did not call her that openly -- and her siblings. But on this winter day, she felt inexplicably anxious and unsure. Today would be the first day in her life that all eyes would quite literally be placed upon her. The center of attention, standing alongside Maverick.

Nothing could quell the surging of her stomach as she lingered in her den that would soon be abandoned. Who might take her place there? Perhaps one of Erani's children would, once they grew old enough to live on their own. She could only hope. A sweeping last glance was given to the inside of her sleeping quarters before the nerve-ridden girl slipped from the darkness. Immediately her eyes sought her forepaws, making sure they were free from dirt and debris. Not that anyone would notice such a thing, or point it out -- but on this day, she wanted both Valhallans and Seracians to not only see how strong their alliance would inevitably be, but how perfectly flawless the union was. Everything had fit nicely into place, and though she was anxious, she was nothing less than happy.

Gerhardt's call had been heard, and had long since grown silent. Though she was a fair decent away from the gathering, her perked ears caught the excited greetings and barks as the wolves began to gather. Perhaps she ought to join them immediately, she wondered -- but no. Let them wait a bit. She knew she could use a few moments to herself. Pacing, silently hoping the ceremony would go as planned. In all honestly, it didn't take her long to grow calm and certain that things would be okay.

She wasn't sure how long she waited, but eventually she began to pad rather quickly toward the large gathering of wolves. As they entered her vision, she was thrilled to see how perfectly the wolves gathered -- there was no line drawn between the Valhallans and the Seracians. Though they lingered among those they knew and cared for best, it would be nearly impossible to tell any of the creatures apart by sight alone.

The second thing she noticed, unsurprisingly, was Maverick. Before she found herself without earshot of the group, her gaze searched desperately for her russet lover, and how easily she found him. His coat was stunning, a brilliant contrast to the white snow and multitude of differently-colored wolves around him. Immediately she fell victim to a smile that could not be contained or lessened; Epiphron's joy was obvious, and she found no reason to hide it.

She wasn't quite sure how these things worked. As badly as she longed to embrace Maverick, despite the watchful eyes of the two allying packs, she figured it was more appropriate to instead make her way to her father's side, near to Erani and Chrysanthe both. The smile never ceased as she lowered her head deeply, as though bowing to Gerhardt. Her gratitude for his open mind and welcoming heart was deeper than she could express.

Her eyes sought those of her loved ones. Of course, her father. She leaned into him ever so slightly, offering a gently nuzzle to the man's neck. Chrysanthe -- her beloved sister, and thus far her only blood sibling that had shown. She would not express her disappointment in not seeing Syrinx, nor in Eos' failure to show, for the girl had little way of disappointing her further. Even Preston was not present, and she hadn't expected Neo to show. Even Collision stood, his first appearance in some time. Even to him she showed her gratitude, leaning over to nose the brute likely on his cheek. Soleil stood next to him, clearly pregnant with a litter of children that she hadn't heard anything about yet.

Then there was Erani, and her children. The healer held a bundle of herbs, which smelled wonderful even from being a few feet away. A few children lingered as well, urged on by their parents, as unsure as Epiphron was as to what to expect at the ceremony. Thane had arrived, as well as his faithful bird. Aislyn lingered with her daughter, as did Epiphron's newest friend, Natsu. When she turned to see him, she offered him a smile, glad he had joined them. Rayne had materialized as well... her eyes found Cormalin, then the strange horse Obsidian, and finally... her niece, who seemed a bit distraught, as though she'd just rushed in. "Don't worry; if anyone is late, it most certainly is not you," she grinned in the yearling's direction, knowing she herself had been the last to arrive, lest others trickled in soon.

And before her stood a wide array of creatures, most of whom she had never met. Her eyes found Maverick's, briefly staring into that emerald stare that she had become so enamored with. "Welcome to Valhalla," she greeted the wolves of Seracia warmly, though her gaze lingered mostly on Maverick.

And welcome to the rest of our lives.