
Gilded Lion



3 Years
12-05-2016, 08:39 PM

Bring me that horizon.

Fingers of light stretched from the equator, their brilliance bathing everything beneath it in warmth and igniting the sky. Auric tones were cast upon the male, his entirety illuminating and sparkling as light reflected from the snow dappling his coat. His contentment did not falter as another approached, her scent preceding a feminine form sauntering up to the willow.

“It is now, m’lady.”

His voice was calm, smooth and words slipped past his lips slowly. His sound was incredibly distinct, almost sorrowful, even when delighted; it yielded a power, but at the same time always remained soft. Soft, like his eyes, roused now in light and drifting to meet her own mismatched pair. He was not blessed with such lovely gems, no, family Foehn was famous for the aggressive brown eyed gene; still, he could think of only a few outside his family who’s eyes paralleled his own.

“I am Arborick Foehn, and admittedly I do not know where I sit, this land is foreign to me, but I come seeking permanence.”

He craved this sort of interaction. She appeared the friendly type, and he yearned for information about this new place, so why not kill two birds with one stone? If he had learned anything in his short life, it was you can never make too many contacts.

“Apologies if this place is your own, I need only a days rest, then I can guarantee my leave.”

He articulated once more with an unrivaled smoothness, jowls clasping shut with a gentle clacking noise. Singular pinna flickered with interest, while the rest of the beast remained propped against the willows base lazily. His eyes shifted across her form with haste as to not seem rude, noting her form, her scent…something familiar. Her abdomen appeared slightly swollen, and she smelled of colostrum. It was likely she had recently spawned.

“May I know your name?”

He grimaced kindly, but it waned and his lips were pulled in a taut line once more. This place carried many scents, some old some new, but nothing overbearing that cried it was an area that had a claim staked upon it. Regardless, he had bigger fish to fry, but would enjoy this interaction so long as she remained true to her kind greeting.