
The world is a vampire


12-05-2016, 10:46 PM

Ira was crouched down in the dried grasses as she peered down the slope at the small herd of buffalo that was lingering below. Oh how much fun would it be to run screaming down the hill and send them scattering. A wicked grin spread across her lips at the thought. She probably would have done it too if it wasn't for the fact that she caught a wolf's scent from somewhere behind her and heard the subtle sound of paws moving across the combination of dried grass and the light layer of snow. She sniffed at the scent curiously, her breath forming a little cloud of mist around her nose in the chilly winter air.

Did her nose deceive her? It certainly wasn't Mercy, there was some male's scent heavier on the breeze, but he certainly smelled like Mercy had been all kinds of over him. Her golden gaze lit up with interest while memories from the chance encounter she had with the white woman flickered through her head. Well! Maybe this man could point her in the right direction! She certainly wouldn't mind seeing Mercy again.

Abandoning the buffalo for the time being, she turned and trotted back up the crest of the hill, spotting the dark gray shape of a man moving across the knolls fairly easily. His coloring certainly didn't help him out any against this snowy background. Not to mention the fact that he looked even bigger than Mercy and Mercy had felt giant compared to herself. Ira grinned and took off at a trot toward him, her tail swaying with each step. "You hooo!" she cooed as she caught up with him, padding up behind him and then coming around to face him once she got his attention and he stopped. "Well hello there, tall dark and handsome," she said with a giggle, batting her eyelashes at him teasingly. He wasn't her main objective here, but if he smelled this strongly of Mercy then he was probably a lot of fun to be with too.

"Talk" "You" Think