
The world is a vampire


12-05-2016, 11:03 PM

He seemed pretty confused by her, but that was pretty understandable. She did just kind of appear with no explanation or reason. Even still, his deadpan look and response made her grin fall. Jeez, not even a flirting glance or anything? She frowned and looked him up and down before she leaned forward a bit so she could sniff at him again. She thought maybe she had been wrong and that he hadn't actually been around Mercy at all, but no, her scent was definitely all over him like green on a tree. Perhaps that was a bad analogy for this time of year, but either way he had definitely been with her recently. And it definitely didn't seem like the kind of all over that could mean they were just friends.

She huffed and fell down onto her haunches as she eyed him for a moment. "Man, you must be real good at sex if Mercy keeps you around. From what I see it's not your winning personality." She giggled again, her grin returning. "But if you could point me toward that bitch I'd be ever so grateful," she cooed as she hopped back up onto her paws and padded toward him to nuzzle into his massive chest and rub her side against him like a cat. "Pleeeeeeease?"

"Talk" "You" Think