
The world is a vampire


12-05-2016, 11:21 PM

Well it didn't seem that he had given her the reaction she wanted. She looked quite displeased with him even though he couldn't figure out why. He had no idea who she even was, why was she upset at his reaction? He leaned away from her when she edged forward to sniff at him. What the hell? He was just one more weird thing away from just pushing her aside and chalking it up to a random run in with a crazy. That was until she mentioned Mercy. His eyes locked on her again then, suddenly more interested in figuring her out. If he had been anyone else he probably would have been offended by her comment about Mercy only sticking around for the sex, but he honestly didn't care and this stranger certainly didn't hold much sway over him.

That crazy grin of hers reappeared right as she was requesting that he tell her where Mercy was, his head pulling back and brows pulling together as she suddenly started rubbing herself against his chest. He took a step back to get her off of him, but now he was too curious to know how she knew Mercy to just leave. "How do you know her?" he asked simply, even though he had an inkling of an idea how. He couldn't see Mercy fighting a woman like this, not when she gave him a run for his money the one time they had fought out on the battlefield. This woman would be like fighting a mouse for Mercy. He waited for this strange pale woman to answer him before he let his thoughts wander anywhere else.

"Talk" "You" Think