
The world is a vampire


12-06-2016, 01:36 AM

He blinked with surprise and shock both at the woman's answer and how blunt she was with her words. Well, that was one way to get an answer he supposed. She couldn't just leave it there though, she went on and added even more details, making his ears flick. Who was Rava? On that note, who was she? He hadn't even gotten this woman's name after all of this somehow. There was no mistaking that she did actually tangle with Mercy though with how she described their... night. While he was still reeling from this new information she was already moving on, apparently figuring out where Mercy might be from his trail. He sputtered as he watched her hop up and plant a kiss on his cheek before going trotting off the way he had came from.

"Hey, wait a second!" he finally managed to get past his lips. He reached down and caught the end of her tail between his teeth as it flicked against his leg. He held it just tight enough to get her to stop unless she wanted his teeth to cut into her tail. He didn't know what he was stopping her for really, but he didn't want her storming after Mercy either.

"Talk" "You" Think