
The world is a vampire


12-06-2016, 01:48 AM

Ira's ears perked at his voice when he told her to wait and then a moment later she felt his teeth on her tail. A flashback to her night with Mercy flashed through her head and she stopped in her tracks. A shudder traveled down her spine and a slow, wicked grin spread across her lips. When she looked back at him over her shoulder her expression had changed, her eyes holding a dark, half-lidded look to them as she gave him a grin that was a bit too wide.

"Your little woman did that too, ya know," she purred as she slowly turned back toward him. Her shoulders rolled with each step and her hips swayed as she came back to stand nose to nose with him, having to tip her head up to look him in the eye. "She grabbed me by the tail right before she flipped me onto my back 'cause she was just too impatient and had to have me." A wild giggle past her lips just as she snapped her teeth together a hair's width away from his nose. "Does that bother you? Don't like knowing your little woman was off rolling in the grass with a woman?"

"Talk" "You" Think