
The world is a vampire


12-06-2016, 02:01 AM

He could see the shudder as it made her body tremble lightly, making confusion color his face once again. When she turned back toward him it was like a whole different woman was there. He blinked and dropped her tail, turning his body to face her once again as she came toward him. Suddenly her expression, her tone, her movements were all so much darker and more provocative. Her words just poked at some insecure part of him that he had hidden away deep down somewhere and the more she said the more angry he became. His hackles bristled and a low, warning growl rumbled in his chest.

Her teeth snapped in front of his nose and the beginnings of a snarl tugged at his lips. Ira was just fanning the flames at this point. She knew what she was doing. What he couldn't understand was why he was letting some insignificant little bitch get to him like this. Her last statement was all it took to set him off though. A snarl ripped through him and he lunged forward with his jaws open. With her head tipped up to look at him he was able to grab her by the throat and use his weight to throw her onto ground, sending her onto her back with a heavy thud. All his muscles were tenses and his hackles were spiked up along his back while her wild, cackling laugh filled his ears.

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