
The world is a vampire


12-06-2016, 03:50 AM

Oooooh she was really striking a nerve, wasn't she? She could see it in written all over his face from the snarl of his lips to the bristling of his hackles. She fed off it like someone finding water after wandering through a desert. His anger and his frustration was so delicious that she just couldn't resist poking his buttons and pushing him farther and farther. All of the sudden she felt his jaws around her throat and he picked her up by the neck just to slam her down onto her back. The air wooshed out of her lungs for a moment and she felt his fangs digging into her skin, but this was everything she could have wanted. She gasped air back into her lungs and let that air out again in a high-pitched, delighted cackle. His jaws tightened around her throat, his teeth pulling beads of blood to the surface of her skin, but she just couldn't help but laugh at it all.

She stopped though when she heard someone else walking up to them, her golden gaze turning to look out of the corner of her eye at Mercy's figure standing above her at this man's side. Oh but there was something else there, wasn't it? The scent of Mercy's heat filled her nose and that wicked grin appeared on her muzzle. Oh this was delicious! It wasn't until Mercy tsked at him that the large gray man finally eased up on his hold around her throat. Her throat was stained with a little blood now, but she didn't care. She giggled at Mercy's teasing, her tail brushing against the ground as it wagged. "I told your little toy here about what we did together. I think he might have gotten a little upset about it!" She giggled wildly again as she rolled back onto her paws, shaking her fur free of any grass or snow that might have stuck to her coat. Her daring glare flicked toward the man as she came over to Mercy and nuzzled into her neck under her chin, "All I wanted was for him to tell me where you were and he just wouldn't do it! So rude of him." Her words were a smooth purr, but her gaze just dared the man to do something about it.

"Talk" "You" Think